For clients

The unique approach of myfacetraining is that you may get a “face coach” who may analyze your questions and problems by scientific based questionnaires and tests online . From research we know that this kind of training may have a significant positive influence on your needs. He or she will support you by face timing, what’s apps and emails which will be the best approach for you.

If the Facecoach finds after the first questionnaires and tests, that a facetraining might not be useful for you, you just have to pay the costs for the testing (90 €).

We have two packages for you:

Package 1:

One-time examination by means of a questionnaire and the Face-Mirror-Program.
You receive a program, with which you can practice for maximum 90 days
In the End there is an evaluation with the help of the facecoach
Costs: 150 €

Package 2:

Examination at the beginning and two interim-findings (after three and after six weeks).
The Facecoach supports your training and creates individual exercises for you
The amount of Mail-/Skypecontact is unlimited (see: procedure)

Tip : maybe your therapist or coach is a specialist in this area and maybe he can help you by “myfacetraining” (see for therapist/coaches)

Costs: 325 €

If you already have a coach you can just download the software and get a 60 days license: